You Take Care of Patients.
Red Chip is your partner in developing and operating a 340B outpatient factor program to bring revenue into your Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC). We have successfully run 340B programs since 2001. With Red Chip as your 340B partner, all of the following services are included to help grow your program.
Patient Care Coordination
The ability to provide appropriate and experienced Patient Care Coordinators (PCC) to families affected by hemophilia and other bleeding disorders is critical to the success of your 340B program.
Red Chip’s PCCs are specially trained to the sensitivities of patients with these conditions, and we’ll make sure they have the supplies and factor they need to stay on their regimens.
Most importantly, they are trained to understand Red Chip’s role in administering 340B programs — we provide program management, not clinical advice. Our PCCs immediately refer patients to HTC clinicians for all clinical questions.
In a recent survey
“Recommend” or “Highly Recommend” Red Chip’s level of service!
Patient Satisfaction
Red Chip routinely conducts patient satisfaction surveys. We consistently receive high marks in all categories of patient care.
Community Services
At our expense, Red Chip will coordinate sponsorship of hemophilia foundation events and run ads in your local hemophilia foundation newsletter which brings attention to your 340B program.
Payer Services
To get payers on board, we help your HTC team develop an effective pricing strategy to present to various payers. Red Chip works with a wide variety of regional, national, federal and state insurance companies on behalf of HTCs. Our team will obtain contracts and agreements specific to your HTC to ensure favorable financial results for your program.
HTCs are on the line
Payer education has become a crucial element in growing and maintaining any 340B program. We aim to educate payers about bleeding disorders and the importance of including your HTC’s 340B factor program in the payer’s provider network.
Pharmacy Services
Red Chip’s in-house pharmacy has the ability to ship to any patient whether 340B or not. Factor products are purchased directly from the vendor so the pedigree is clear and transparent and your HTC maintains ownership of all inventory. Our pharmacy will never compete with your HTC’s 340B factor program.
Red Chip has an on-site, integrated dispensing pharmacy that is licensed and able to ship to all 50 states. In special circumstances, we also utilize a network of contracted dispensing pharmacies which we believe best fit the needs of each program.
Our pharmacy offers:
- 24/7 access to a pharmacist
- Multi-state licensure
- Student kits prepared for school storage/administration
- Simplifies Rx process for typical dispense by keeping your HTC protocols on file
- Free trial programs coordinated with manufacturers
- ACHC & URAC Accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy
Operational & Purchasing Services
Starting your 340B factor program includes assisting your team with manufacturer/vendor accounts for all brands of factor.
Factor orders are placed on behalf of your HTC according to your purchasing guidelines. If your HTC participates in organizations that offer sub-ceiling 340B pricing, Red Chip will verify that all applicable discounts are included in the purchase price.
- Overnight Shipping
- Inventory Management
- Clear Pedigree on All Factor Products
- Private Warehousing
- OPA and 340B Compliance
- Infusion Supplies Included with Shipment
Reimbursement Services
Reimbursement for your outpatient factor program starts long before the first factor order is shipped.
- Red Chip confirms coverage and eligibility on every factor order prior to shipment
- We obtain authorization from the designated payer detailing the product, units, vials, and date of service for the order
- We track claims closely until payment is issued
- Our expert collectors virtually eliminate bad debt
Some payers request quarterly Event Reports on their covered patients — Red Chip has developed formats that are easily customized for each payer.
Red Chip collects 99% of the claims under our management. The bad debt rate for programs under our management is less than 1% to date since our program management services began in 2001!
Finance Services
Red Chip’s proprietary suite of monthly reports is designed to meet the specific financial reporting needs of your HTC and hospital administration. These reports include a detailed review of usage, costs, AR, and more, to help you comply with federal regulations and track your program’s progress and income. These reports are an essential management tool to the Medical Directors and CFOs of the 340B programs we manage.

Shannon Carpenter, MD
Medical Director
Kansas City Regional Hemophilia Center at Children’s Mercy
“Red Chip was a lifesaver during our recent hospital audit! Their documentation and processes allowed them to quickly and accurately provide the necessary purchasing and dispensing records our auditors requested. Our HTC passed the audit with flying colors!”
Compliance Services
Red Chip is committed to following HRSA & OPA guidelines to help assure your 340B program is compliant with current rules and regulations. At all levels, our operational paperwork and tracking mechanisms are highly transparent and easily audited.
Since 2015, Red Chip has conducted several independent audits of the processes we perform on behalf of 340B programs. Special scrutiny is placed on patient eligibility, preventing duplicate discounts, and preventing diversion. Each year, the final report has shown compliance in all areas with no reportable findings.
Red Chip has also assisted several of our HTC clients prepare for audits and has always received favorable reports on our procedures.
To help ensure that all HRSA & OPA 340B guidelines are followed, Red Chip works with a prestigious legal firm:
Poured Back into HTCs
About Red Chip Enterprises
Red Chip works in partnership with Hemophilia Treatment Centers to help build, maintain, and grow outpatient factor programs. The 340B programs we manage are built on performance, not promise. Our team supports physicians, nurses and hospital administration in building a bright future for HTCs and their patients.